Hi All,
Before we had the field our club was free to join, but now that we have gained this valuable asset it was necessary to charge for membership, both to cover the cost of the field, the cost of the upkeep and the outlay for the winch, bungee, battery, charger, etc....
Originally the plan was to have the whole field 'topped' regularly by the tractor so we can fly it pretty much all over, but that hasn't happened and despite my best efforts to contact the owner I haven't been able to get access to his tractor or the toping equipment.
So, our friend and fellow member Bernie Jones has mown several strips and a big circle in the field to enable take-off, landing and DLG launches.
I am going there tomorrow to maintain these areas and to make sure that the access I cleared back in April is still good ( I know it mostly is good because I was there the other day).
However, I rarely hear from any of our members about them being at the field or using it , so I wondered whether there is something I can do (or we can do together), to make it more appealing. After all, that's the only reason we pay any subs to the club and without the field we would be free (or maybe not even a club) !
Both Paul and I have flown at the field and I know a number of you have also used it but maybe only once or twice - it's our resource and we need to be happy with it, so please let me know by email what you think is wrong or is needed.
I would love to get your views on this topic, in fact I really need to know what you think.
Best regards
Hon. Sec. / Hon. Treasurer

Slope Soaring Sussex is a friendly group of RC glider flying enthusiasts based in Sussex, UK. We slope soar at various locations on the South Downs and have a field for thermal soaring. ‘Slope Soaring Sussex’ is a BMFA affiliated RC Glider-only flying club. We fly many types of RC gliders from conventional slope soarers to Scale, DLG, F3B, F3J, F5J, PSS and more. Our aim is to encourage and promote safe, responsible and enjoyable radio controlled model flying. New and experienced flyers welcome.
To fly DLG or thermal soarers you need light winds, a good amount of heat from the sun i.e. sunshine and the sea breeze to not come in too early. How many days this year match the above? Answer - not many! If we get some light wind, warm sunny days then we can arrange a get together down the field. Maybe a DLG comp or a duration comp. We just need the weather to be kind to us.
ReplyDeleteThat's my opinion for what it's worth!
I agree Paul. I have used the field a couple of times and I would use it more but we don't seem to have had many days with light winds this year. Those that we have had always seem to be in the week!