Here is a picture of my (nearly finished) Willow 2.
Tim has worked hard to get her ready with some Input from Ian Mason (who is the designer and manufacturer of the all new, Willow 2). She needed around 140 grams of lead shot in the nose to balance at 108mm from the leading edge (as recommended by Ian).
Hopefully she will soon maidened.

Slope Soaring Sussex is a friendly group of RC glider flying enthusiasts based in Sussex, UK. We slope soar at various locations on the South Downs and have a field for thermal soaring. ‘Slope Soaring Sussex’ is a BMFA affiliated RC Glider-only flying club. We fly many types of RC gliders from conventional slope soarers to Scale, DLG, F3B, F3J, F5J, PSS and more. Our aim is to encourage and promote safe, responsible and enjoyable radio controlled model flying. New and experienced flyers welcome.
Looks amazing. Very patriotic colour scheme. Would be ironic if you maidened it in the one UK country not represented in the Union Jack!!! Perhaps you should add a Welsh dragon before we head off to Cardiff in a few week's time ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou flown this yet Paul? Can't wait to see it in the air!