ThWhat an amazing flight. Drove down to the pub car park beside a lovely sandy beach. Followed the cliff path up for about 1/4 mile and was probably about 100ft above the sea. Launched the Ninja off a little bit of rock over a steep sided cliff. The lift was good but as I followed the cliff path it moved away from the cliff edge. Staying high and stable I moved on up and along all the way to the point at Dinus Head. Took me half an hour walking and flying and I covered about a mile and a half! The longest cross country flight for me (so far!). Landing wasn't pretty due to the mega sink behind the 450ft steep cliff edge at the Head.

Slope Soaring Sussex is a friendly group of RC glider flying enthusiasts based in Sussex, UK. We slope soar at various locations on the South Downs and have a field for thermal soaring. ‘Slope Soaring Sussex’ is a BMFA affiliated RC Glider-only flying club. We fly many types of RC gliders from conventional slope soarers to Scale, DLG, F3B, F3J, F5J, PSS and more. Our aim is to encourage and promote safe, responsible and enjoyable radio controlled model flying. New and experienced flyers welcome.
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