Monday 4 June 2018

Mill Hill Flying

Hi all
A small group of us met up at Mill Hill on Saturday afternoon. A good SW wind was blowing and again I was up on the slope in a T shirt (lovely). There where plenty of locals there flying with a good selection of models.
Myself , Ian and Robin (where the only club members) up on the hill. Not sure where all our other members are lately but you have missed out on some good flying.
Ian got to fly his newly re-built Europhia which went very well until his last flight when he lost an aileron servo in flight. He also didn't have landing flap as this made his model uncontrollable. After a few practise approaches with very limited control he managed a great landing with just one aileron working - Well done Ian!.
Robin flew his home built wing again and manages really well in the stiff breeze. I managed to fly my M60 and the Merlow without breaking anything to Tim's surprise.
Unfortunately, we missed Rob P who had a good couple of hours flying after we had left around 3.30pm.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hear, hear. SAFETY FIRST! Regarding your deleted comments... they could form the basis for Briefing Notes Part 4. 'High speed manoeuvres, and where (not) to perform them'.
