Thursday 7 April 2016

The obvious answer is YES !!

Thanks to all that commented on my previous post with regard to the future of our Slope Soaring Sussex blog. Reading between the lines I have come to the overwhelming conclusion that the blog is working and should be kept as it has helped and is appreciated by many.
Lets see if we can have some alternative input from our many readers that hopefully will keep this blog fresh and up to date. Thank you all for all your support and lets just carry on doing hwta we are doing then ....................


  1. Excellent decision! I don't like the way FB operates, this Blog ticks so many boxes. Keep up the good work Paul is very much appreciated! !

  2. Yayyyyyyyy :o)
    On most forums you will find that a post/thread will gain many views without the readers contributing or offering an opinion etc. This blog, and my own are no exception to that, and I for one would miss it if it weren't here. I guess for my own part I don't contribute because I live in a a different part of the country to you guys, but I still enjoy reading up on what you are all doing.
    Keep up the good work Paul.

  3. Hi Paul, I am so pleased that you have decided to keep this blog going forward. It has been the lifeline for our members and 'guests' and friends to find out what we're doing and where we're flying. We all appreciate your work in keeping it up to date. I will do my very best to contribute as much as I can, as long as you keep on taking those excellent videos ! I know how you feel when nobody responds to posts, it's like you're alone, but you clearly aren't !

  4. I'm not a member obviously but I have to say I find this blog absolutely superb, a credit to you Ian. I only stumbled across it by accident when I bought my first glider last year and it's been a massively useful source of information and interest. Add slopehunter to the mix and what more do you need? Great effort, would be a shame to see it go. I also like the fact that it is focused around the local area and as such, is produced by people with intimate knowledge of the local slopes as well, not to mention the excellent video production which in itself is also pretty useful as well as interesting.

    Cheers for your time creating and updating this blog, long may it continue.

    Regards to all you guys at SSS, see you on the slopes

    John (capt Duck Tape!!)
