Monday 7 September 2015

Algebra Build 3

So. The wings didn't line up - I realised afterwards the undercamber of the wing had introduced a variable factor into the mix.

One wing had flattened out on the building board more than the other, introducing the twist. 

I cut the wing joiner box back out and devised a different method. 

The rear boxes were nicely in line. So I inserted the temparay joiner tube and weighted only the trailing edge of the wing on the work bench. This kept the wings straight and kept the trailing edges in line.

The rest of the wing was allowed to hang over the edge of the building board - thus not needing to flatten out the undercamber and allowing the two wings to align nicely.

Then I glued up the wing box again and inserted it in the wing, with light clamps holding the two wings together in the centre. I was careful to make sure the clamps only touched the wing profile, thus allowing the wing box to line up with its opposite number.
Glad to say this time it worked. Both wing joiner tubes are in line, no twist between the two wings! Hooray!

Next job, leading and trailing edges to be glued on.

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