Sunday 6 May 2018

Ashdown Forest Today (Sunday 6th May)

Given the erratic wind direction and lack of wind strength forecast today, myself and Ian decided at the last minute to head off to Ashdown Forest for some light wind soaring. The wind when we got there was a little stronger than anticipated and was been given some added strength by the number of thermals coming through. We started with the DLG's well DLG! as I had somehow connected the battery when the magnetic switch was left on so the little battery was dead.
As we were wandering down to the slope we met a Forest Ranger who was Interested in the models (checking they weren't drones or a power plane) and asked to see our BMFA cards, which we did. If you do venture up to the forest, please remember your BMFA card and be courteous and polite to the rangers if you are asked to show them.
Back to the car to get the electric thermal soarers out. Ian had his Super Starlight and I had my Maxa 4.
Here they are enjoying the sun.
The lift was good at times and then almost disappear and then all of a sudden re-appear again. The ups and downs of thermal soaring. The landing was made easier by landing along one of the grass tracks that was long and wide enough to be safe and not risk damaging a model.
Again, well worth the effort and a very enjoyable trip out with Ian.

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