Saturday, 28 November 2015

Itford Saturday Morning

Hi All,
Paul and I met up this morning at 8:15 in the Itford lay-by in the glorious sunshine and cloudless sky.
We then walked up to the usual place near the top. At the bottom there seemed to be no wind, but by the time we got 2/3 of the way up, the wind was picking up from WSW direction.
I launched my little Moth to test out the conditions and surprisingly it went pretty well in a very light wind (maybe 10 mph). The lift was coming and going, but no thermals were present at that time.
Paul set up the Willow and launched that, it was doing pretty well in the conditions and we were both flying away merrily with varying degrees of lift, etc...
Within the hour we were getting thermals and managing to stay in the air much easier.
The Moth had a few hard landings when the lift disappeared and the Willow had a fairly difficult landing with something being not quite right. However, it survived, but one elevator seemed out of alignment, so the Willow was put away.
The rest of the 2 hours was spent with us both flying the Moth.
Paul got some good video of both models, but then his hat-cam fell off and the camera didn't want to work after that.
We reverted to Paul's phone camera and got some good low-level flying shots where we were each trying to get as close to the camera as possible without actually hitting the cameraman.
Altogether we both had great 2 hours .


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