Our biggest problem over the last year or so hasn't been from the paraglider boys but from the full size gliders ridge soaring the South Downs with little or no respect for the model slopers on the hill. They come hurtling around the beacon at zero feet and 100knts or more. Not all the glider pilots act in a irresponsible manner but only last Friday two gliders from a local gliding club flew over Ditchling far too low and directly over us flying our model gliders and speaking with another guy who said the same day he nearly had a mid air with one full size at Jack & Jill Windmills. These full size guys know where we tend to fly and at what height but this does not deter certain pilots from putting themselves and others at risk. We all have the right to be up enjoying the slope lift but some people think they have more rights than others!
Be warned and keep a good look out.

Slope Soaring Sussex is a friendly group of RC glider flying enthusiasts based in Sussex, UK. We slope soar at various locations on the South Downs and have a field for thermal soaring. ‘Slope Soaring Sussex’ is a BMFA affiliated RC Glider-only flying club. We fly many types of RC gliders from conventional slope soarers to Scale, DLG, F3B, F3J, F5J, PSS and more. Our aim is to encourage and promote safe, responsible and enjoyable radio controlled model flying. New and experienced flyers welcome.
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