Hello and welcome to my first post of 2014.
Its been a strange Christmas with plenty of time off over Christmas but rubbish weather to get out and enjoy any slope soaring. Lets hope 2014 gives us lots of opportunities to get out and play.
Having been keeping an eye on the weather over the last few days, Saturday (my birthday) seems to be the only hope for this up and coming weekend. The wind is swinging towards the North for just one day but the wind is on the light side but sunny, so I suppose that's positive news.
I will be tied up (well not literally - honest!) in the afternoon but the morning should be my own. At this present moment I'm not sure which part of the South Downs will offer the best slope soaring but I will confirm the location very soon - just keep an eye out on the blog for further details.

Slope Soaring Sussex is a friendly group of RC glider flying enthusiasts based in Sussex, UK. We slope soar at various locations on the South Downs and have a field for thermal soaring. ‘Slope Soaring Sussex’ is a BMFA affiliated RC Glider-only flying club. We fly many types of RC gliders from conventional slope soarers to Scale, DLG, F3B, F3J, F5J, PSS and more. Our aim is to encourage and promote safe, responsible and enjoyable radio controlled model flying. New and experienced flyers welcome.
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