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Landing Briefing Notes

Thursday 25 November 2021

Firle Beacon 25th November 2021

I made a spontaneous decision this morning to flight test my SAS Wildthing after its mid-life update and re-covering. I met Robin A on the slope at our usual launch point. Visibility was great and the wind strong, but it was very cold indeed. The temperature here in Sussex has dropped significantly over the last few days and is expected to drop further. Robin A was away flying his Mefisto 1.9-meter slope soarer but he had also brought along his Chris Foss Phase 6 and the Bugatti that he has built from a plan.

The view from Firle Beacon looking West
I had a few trial launches with the Wildthing just to set the trims. Then away she went. Again, I attempted to practice my landings with a 50:50 achievement rate, not sure if it was luck or judgement or possibly a combination of both. More practice needed me thinks.
The view looking North
Robin A however, flew the Bugatti really well in the smooth conditions and pulled off a very impressive landing. It was without doubt the highlight of my day and I think Robin A was very proud of his achievement. I look forward to seeing it fly again soon.

Robin's Phase 6 and Buggatti

One of my inverted landings un-stuck the fin so I decided to call it a day and return home. Leaving Robin A still flying his Phase 6 in the great but cold conditions.

Tony's SAS Wildthing

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