Slope Soaring Sussex Info

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Thursday 7 November 2013

Slope Soaring this weekend (9th & 10th November)

After the success of last weekends slope soaring up at Itford Hill, Sussex in the gales, I am hoping some of you will come out and play this coming weekend?

Looking at XC Soar weather it's showing Saturday to be wet at times and the wind being all over the place and Sunday being brighter and drier with NW - NWN turning WNW winds and a lot lighter than last weekend but still 8 - 15mph so up on the hills it should be another 5mph more.

If the wind stays as forecast then it could be a multitude of slopes.

Do any of you guys want to try any new slopes to go slope soaring on in Sussex?

We have Jack and Jill or the NW facing slope at Wolstonbury and the The Long Man (all new slopes to most of us) and the old faithful Itford Hill all these hill are within Sussex

Click on the links below for a detailed location of each slope:

Jack & Jill Map:

Wolstonbury Map:

Long Man Map :

Or If all else fails and it goes NWN - W we could go and fly at Itford Hill: Map for Itford Hill

For me, Sunday morning works better and looking at XC Soar this should be the best weather.

Pleas let me know if you can make it and I will confirm by a blog on Saturday to firm up the details.


Slope Soaring Sussex

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paul, as we said on the phone - I'll try any hill, but prefer to try Jack and Jill for a change.
